Khmemarak Sereymon is another great Khmer singer who has excelled in his career for the last several years in the Khmer entertainment world and has risen to the top among a few best Cambodian singers. Many people would agree his unique voice quality and style are the key factors of his success. Though he is better-known inside the country because he has been working for only local music production companies so far, his songs are also very popular among young and middle age fans overseas.
Khemararak Seyreymon is one of the great vocalists. He definitely can produce beautiful songs and great concerts to entertain his fans. Each song of his was very carefully created. His voice was very clear and precise. His well-known specialty is singing new songs or rewritten songs with high notes which some singers can’t do. Besides his voice, his style is also unique and interesting. The way he is dressed, his hairstyles and choreographies are better-liked and aimed for younger fans than older ones. Over all, Khemarak Sereymon is a great entertainer.
He first started his music career in 2004 with U2 Production as a song writer and progressively developed his skills in music and knowledge in singing until he received the top award from Nestle for one of the singing contests. He was then hired by U2 Production as a singer. His first hit song by which many people got to know him was On Toung Snei and Proum Tang Alai. While he began to add more and more songs to his portfolio, Khemarak Sereymon also did many TV concerts and appearances to promote himself. People began to recognize the quality of his voice and began to like his style.
In 2008, Khemarak Sereymon started working for Sunday (SD) Production. Unlike U2, Sunday Production produced a good number of alums which helped him boosting both his popularity and reputation. There were many songs recorded, but some of his hit songs made by Sunday Production are Chong Ban Propun Khmer, Bong Kos Houey, Kom Hos Krum Yang Khos Mok Pi Rub Khjom, Tov Don Dong Koun Ke, etc. (Please see videos below) People got to know him via CD, CVD and DVD albums sold both inside and outside of the country and many concerts throughout Cambodia. So far he has gone to Australia twice.
Khemarak Sereymon was born in Prey Chhor District, Kampong Cham in 1981. His father’s name is Pith Si Khon and his mother’s name is Chan Nary. Among his 6 siblings, one of his sisters – Khemarak Sreypov is also a singer for Sunday Production. After he finished High School, he came to Phnom Penh City to find work in early 2004. He worked as a security guard at first and then worked as a marketing staff member for a company until he could get a job as a song writer for U2 Production. At the time of the interview, he is still single. Khemarak Sereymon is a breadwinner for his family, and today his family is better off because of him.
He is one of the great singers who had built up his perfections by working hard, practicing and applying his own techniques with little formal training or coaching from others. Today, he is one of the well-known stars and many people outside of the country wish to see him. Angkorthom.US wishes him the best of luck for his future.
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Krom Hos Krub Yan Mok PI Rob khjom by Khemarak Sereymon
Prom Tang Alai by Khemarak Sereymon
Trem Neak Kompleing by Khemarak Sereymon
Tov Yoy Bdey Farang by Khemarak Sereymon
Chong Ban Pro Pun Khmer
Tov Don Dong Koun Ke by Khemarak Sereymon
Sala Cham Snei by Khemarak Sereymon
Trem Neak Kompleing by Khemarak Sereymon
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