Red boll falling from the sky IN SIHANOUK VILLE

Happy New Year's Day


Hem Sovannareach sings at Restaurant in Phnom Penh

Sunday, August 30, 2009

More than two years, 23-year singer – Hem Sovannareach – has been singing at Toul Kok Restaurant in order to improve his bad living condition. He was born in Kompong Speu province with two brothers and two sisters. He is the second son in the family. His parents are grocery sellers in province.
He left his study after passing high school grade in 2002 because of his living standards. Then he made money with trailer for short period time but his career could not support his family sufficiently. And later he made decision to have left for Phnom Penh because his brother is singing at Restaurant. It was because that he had not skill. He worked as waiter…
Later Sovannareach was been instructed by his brother how to sing. And he has been asked to sing at Toul Kok Restaurant since 2007.
The reason for making him become singer is because of his grueling poverty. Therefore, he has been struggling for improving his lifestyle. He used to be made Karaoke and film for overseas productions. He also was invited to sing at various concerts in Phnom Penh.
Due to supports from his family, relatives and fans, he wants to be professional career singer in the future and he now is trying to improve his voice. In addition, he hints that he has yet to meet and see the future girl. What is important is that he is trying to make money for supporting his family and himself.