Yoga for Health

Yoga is one of the oldest forms of exercise. It combines physical stretching with meditation and holding poses to strengthen the mind, body and spirit. Practice them every day for ten minutes or so along with other exercises to maintain a clear mine and a strong body.BreathingPrana Yama is Sanskrit for ‘breathing’. Breathing is very important for yoga and is usually the first step before any yoga exercises. Try to breath in a rhythmic pattern counting to three as you breath in and three as you breath out.RelaxationThe Chile’s Pose is a relaxation pose that stretches the back and upper thigh muscles. Stretch your back and arms forward and side-to-side. It is a good posse to do between more difficult poses.Tree poseThe Tree Pose, or Urksasana, is good for your abdomen muscles and your balance. Raise your hands above your head and then bring them out to your sides lightly touching your thumb to your middle or index finger.Legs up the wallLegs Up the Wall is a good posse that stretches your leg and back muscles. Focus on breathing and try to clear your mind of any worries or troubles.YOGA THERAPY CAN TREAT:Anxiety, Arthritis, Back pain, bad posture, Blood pressure, Broken bones, Fatigue, Headaches, Heart problems, Herniated Disks, Insomnia, Knee pain, Muscle stiffness, Neck pain, Post-surgery rehabilitation, Respiratory discomfort, Sacroiliac pain, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Weak joints, Weight problems and more…
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