Red boll falling from the sky IN SIHANOUK VILLE

Happy New Year's Day


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Click here to discuss about Alex Chantra. For those who saw Alex Chantra either in person, through a Khmer Karaoke DVD or picture would know that he is a very handsome and talented man with great choreography and singing skills. However, what goes through many people’s mind when talking about Alex Chantra is his nationality. They are generally wondering if he is really a Cambodian. That is understandable as to why people think he is not a pour Khmer and might be American or European descendent though he can speak Khmer with no accent. His light skin, height, sharp nose and other traits make Alex Chantra a rare Khmer man in the eyes of many people. Though being a pour Khmer or not is not the focus of this article, Angkorthom.US did take the time to clear this up for you. Then you would say: tell me. What is he?
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