Red boll falling from the sky IN SIHANOUK VILLE

Happy New Year's Day


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Click here to discuss about Ut Chakriya.Chakriya is a very popular female name. It means good character in Khmer. Someone with the name Chakriya is generally considered to be soft, gentle and polite. One of emerging Rock Production artists is Ut Chakriya. She fits perfectly in the character of a Chakriya - very soft, gentle and polite. During her interview with me, she was very polite and soft, giving me an impression of Sopheap Neary Khmer. Though Rock Production has just created in 2007 and Chakriya has only produced about 6 or 7 songs at the time of the interview, she has been widely recognized and known for her signature song Krovan Seam Reap – one of theme songs in a CTN movie, Rachany Doung Chet. Because the movie is aired via CTN in several countries and it was a big hit movie, many people liked the song and began to know her voice very quickly.
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